Monthly Archives: June 2019

LIFELINE – Chicago HUMANITARIAN ORGANIZATION celebrates the 25th ANNIVERSARY with the Royal Couple Karadjordjevic of Serbia

~ Milica Puric~ 

glavnaThe Royal couple Karadjordjevic with Lifeline Chicago Board members at Union League Club 

Chicago, June 15, 2019 – Hundreds of prominent guests gathered on Saturday evening at the beautiful, iconic Union League Club in Chicago’s Loop to celebrate 25 years of existence of the Lifeline Humanitarian Foundation whose patron is Crown Princess Katherine Karadjordjevic. The Princess and her husband, Crown Prince Alexander Karadjordjevic were guests of honor at the Anniversary celebration of the Foundation that provides critically needed humanitarian aid to the neediest people, especially children of Serbia.


The Crown Princess Katherine Karadjordjevic, Lifeline Humanitarian Foundation’s patron

The glamorous event that gathered people who helped raise funds for orphanages, shelters, schools, and hospitals in Serbia, was organized by The Board of directors of the Lifeline Humanitarian Organization Chicago headed by Milena Tatic Bajich, PsyD, President & Executive Board Member, Clinical Psychologist.


Milena Tatic Bajich, PsyD, President & Executive Board Member, Clinical Psychologist

The event started with the cocktail and photo session. Ladies worn astonishing dresses and gentlemen were in elegant suits and all of them were taking photos with the royal couple. Everyone wanted to have the memory of the beautiful evening with Serbian royalty.


Lifeline Chicago Board members at Union League Club 

Saying that the Chicago Board is the one of the most successful board of entire Foundation, princess Katherine thanked to energetic Dr. Milena Tatic Bajich and other members of The Board of directors who, over the years, devoted their time, passion and energy to raise money to benefit children in schools and orphanages who are in dire need of assistance in the form of feeding programs, medical care and education materials.

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Dejan Radulovic, acting Consul General of the Republic of Serbia in Chicago, and Crown prince Aleksander Karadjordjevic 

“We have 25 years of committed humanitarian action behind us and should all be proud of it. Thank you for your effort and commitment. More work is ahead of us for the next 25 years. Together we can do a lot, and together we will respond to requests, from orphanages, old people’s homes, homeless’ shelters, health care institutions, individuals and all those who need help.”

Looking back at the beginning of the Foundation, Princess said that her heart was broken when she saw that hospitals in Serbia did not have enough incubators for premature babies. That motivated her to start her humanitarian mission that continued the last 25 years. In that mission, many people helped her tremendously, even famous Richard Branson, British business magnate, investor, and the founder of the Virgin Group.


The goals of the Foundation was always to reduce and relieve the suffering of physically and mentally disabled children, orphans, the elderly as well as to improve medical facilities in the country. ‘We will make a positive difference in peoples’ lives through our humanitarian work. We will be the lifetime partners of the people of Serbia in promoting health, wellness, and stability.’

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“We are all blessed to be able to do the work we do. We help many through our efforts and the really big reward is in creating a ripple effect. Changing lives, alters many many communities”, said in her speech inspiring Dr. Milena Tatic Bajich, President of the Board of Lifeline Humanitarian Organization Chicago. Underling that Chicago board of directors and members work voluntarily, she said that they are dedicated to helping all of those in need in Serbia. Lifeline did amazing things last 25 years. Foundation helped during the 2014 floods in Serbia and delivered humanitarian aid for numerous families who suffered great losses during the catastrophe.

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Lifeline helped the Psychiatric hospital in Kovin, with 700 patients. After the three months works and donation of US $90,000 which were provided by Lifeline Chicago Humanitarian Organization, Princess Katherine officially opened the reconstructed Psychiatric hospital Kovin. The sponsor of this valuable project was The John and Mildred Medic Wuchenich Foundation, whose families are one of the biggest individual donors to Lifeline Chicago. Princess Katherine thanked them and awarded them Princess Katherine Awards for their continued support and humanitarian aid.


Tom Negovan, reporter and anchor for WGN News and Emmy-winning journalist (photo bellow), was the leader of the program and Father Djuro Krosnjar (photo above left), read Bishop Longin greetings and blessings.

rteThe Tamburica Orchestra played during traditional Serbian songs. At the end of the evening they started playing famous Serbian folk dancing song Uzicko kolo and Prince Aleksander came to the podium and started leading the dance. The guests were delighted and many of them, like Serbian consul Radulovic, immediately joined him.


The Union League Club of Chicago was a delightful venue for a silent auction toward the end of the program.

~ Milica Puric~ Urban Culture Tribe, 2019 ©

Prince Alexander and Princess Katherine Karadjordjevic visited Oscar Mayer Magnet School in Chicago

Oscar Meyer 4 (1)Crown Prince Alexander Karadjordjevic and his wife Princess Katherine Karadjordjevic with the school children at the Oscar Mayer Magnet School in Chicago 

Chicago, June 14, 2019 – Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Princess Katherine of Serbia visited today “Oscar Mayer Magnet School” in Chicago. In 2008. the school became a cluster school with a Fine and Performing Arts focus and introduced a Montessori program and an International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program.  

This morning Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine took their time speaking to a class of 29 students ages 10 and 11 years old. Mayer’s students welcomed the royal couple with greetings in Serbian and by each handing HRH Crown Princess Katherine a white rose.    

Karadjordjevici_GLORIA3Princess Katherine and Crown Prince Alexander Karadjordjevic 

Their discussion was about their daily lives, their favorite past times and their life’s work.  Her Royal Highness spoke to the children about love being the center of all things and that through love great things come.

Karadjordjevic family (from the left) - Hereditary Prince Peter, Alexander, princess Katherine, Philip, Prince Alexander and PhilpRoyal Karadjordjevic family (from the left): Hereditary Prince Peter, Crown Prince Alexander, Princess Katherine, Prince Alexander, and Prince Philp

The school’s music teacher, Melissa Hooker, encouraged students to share their ethnic background through song this school year. A fourth-grade student who is of Serbian descent, Katarina Frank, taught her class, old Serbian song  “Marširala Kralja Petra Garda”. The visit ended with all 29 students singing this song proudly and waving small Serbian flags for Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine.

Urban Culture Tribe