Monthly Archives: April 2017

La Casa excéntrico (house) – photo tour


There are many interesting places in Arizona, but this old, mystic house located in the timeless Barrio Viejo village is the one of the most amusing places over there.


Everything is entertaining in this place: the large dark doors that reminds us of movies about inquisition or cracked pink wall with the religious paintings.


Enormous antique chandelier is hanging from the ceiling in one of the large room, while another one has a fireplace and a couple of crosses around it.


Every room is huge. Instead of carpets brick tiles are on the floor – desert climate does not seek any warm rugs. 6

There are more interesting things in this intriguing house. There is a small altar dedicated to Jesus Christ with a dozen of small candles and pictures on the wall.


Or colorful Jesus Christ image with a little thermometer.


But, perhaps the most interesting detail of all is this huge figure (presumably of Jesus Christ again) crucified on the wall in the hallway… With a pearl necklace…


This is indeed delightful Arizona. Enjoy…







~ Urban Culture Tribe ~ ©

Sanja Tomic: Dancing on the walls

1. African blues
‘African blues’ – Africa in Sanja’s backyard  

“I had a dream that I was a poet and a warrior, that I was light and darkness, but I was water that swamped warriors boots and turn them into flowers. Africa is black like me, and Africa dances in rhythm of tam-tam, Africa is arousing and blooming in blood” says Sanja Tomic, journalist and artist from Belgrade.


Work in progress -Sanja Tomic is creating another ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’ mosaic


Almost done – ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’


The beautiful corner of – ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’


‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’ – not finished yet

2. Living water - Ziva voda

Living water – another Sanja’s creation on her yard’s wall  

“When I moved to Zemun, walls in the courtyard were crumbling and shriveled from moisture. That was five years ago. Next summer my sister told me she wanted to make a mosaic in the bathroom. That’s when I remembered my withered walls. Tiles were gifted to me by some company that makes them, and their architect advised me to buy tile adhesive. On the Internet I found a video on laying tiles… That’s how I started smashing them instead of myself… I started speaking in pictures, because I was silent for years, I had nothing to say to myself or others…So I have been coloring walls for four years.

3. Magic forest - magicna suma

Magic forest 

Tiles were soon joined by shapes of African houses and snails. I have two snails, one was made by my sister Mersa, green, and I made another one across the courtyard that is yellow like the Sun. Because, we the people are slugs, and just some of us, like the two on my walls, have homes to hide in. This mosaic on the wall nobody can step on, and it has mirrors so we can all see how human we are.

4. Mandolin of Captain Luke

Mandolin of Captain Luke

And when I open my windows, I see Africa dancing. It’s rising and setting before my eyes, because I don’t see it as bloody and miserable, as blood is drained from her veins, as man is taking her soul…

Today, Africa sings and dances’. ©


Sanja Tomić, novinarka, umetnica iz Beograda

Afrika pleše ples noći

‘Sanjala sam da sam pesnik i ratnik, da sam svetlo i tama, a bila sam voda koja je zalila ratničke čizme i pretvorila ih u cveće. Afrika je crna kao i ja, i Afrika pleše u ritmu tam-tama, Afrika se budi i cveta u krvi’, kaze Sanja Tomić, novinarka i umetnica iz Beograda.

‘Kad sam se doselila u Zemun, zidovi u dvorištu su bili oronuli i uveli od vlage. To je bilo pre pet godina. Sledećeg leta sestra mi je rekla da želi da napravi mozaik u kupatilu. Tad sam se setila svojih oronulih zidova. Pločice mi je odmah poklonila firma ‘Diplon’ a njihov arhitekta me je posavetovao da kupim lepak za kamen. Na internetu sam našla video o tome kako se lepe pločice… Tako sam počela da razbijam njih, umesto sebe… I progovorila u slikama, jer sam godinama ćutala, nisam imala šta da kažem ni sebi ni drugima… I tako četiri godine šaram zidove.



Pločicama su se ubrzo pridružili i obluci za afričke kuće i puževe. Imam dva puža, jedan mi napravila sestra Mersa, zeleni, a ja sam napravila drugi preko puta da bude žut kao sunce. Jer, mi smo ljudi puževi golaći, a samo pojedini, kao ova moja dva zidna, imaju kućicu da se u njoj sakriju.

Ovaj mozaik sa zidova niko ne gazi, a ima i ogledala da se svi ogledamo koliko smo ljudi.

I kad otvorim prozor, vidim Afriku kako pleše. Ona mi sviće i zalazi pred očima, jer ja je ne vidim krvavu i jadnu, kako joj vade krv iz vena, kako joj čovek vadi dušu…

Afrika danas peva i pleše. ©

Barrio Viejo – Old Tucson


When you enter Barrio Viejo, an old part of Tucson, you have an impression that you are in old Mexico and time has just stopped.


Old, simple one floor houses have specific, modest architecture, flat roofs and strong colors.


The homes don’t have yards and you have the impression that if you open any of the doors you will enter right to the kitchen.


The sidewalks are narrow with a couple of trees and bushes.  


Barrio Viejo means ‘old neighborhood’ in Spanish. Also known as ‘Barrio Libre’  – free, this neighborhood was home to a culturally diverse community of people from America, Europe, Africa and Asia.


Barrio Viejo, the old neighborhood, mainly consists of Tucson’s 19th century homes and commercial buildings.


The arrival of the Southern Pacific Transportation Company in 1880 changed Tucson from a hopelessly impoverished, dusty little Mexican village in the middle of nowhere to a growing Southwestern city of seemingly limitless opportunities.









Ilija Saula: The art of wise conversation

1. 2. Writer Ilija Saula with his latest book ‘Boulevard of Light’

Writer Ilija Saula with his latest book  ‘Boulevard of Light’ (photo by Dani Blue)

After five published books of poetry, Ilija Saula — writer, humanist and entrepreneur from Philadelphia — has published his first book of prose, ‘Boulevard of Light: Thoughts About Life.’ This book is a hymn to optimism, light, kindness and all human values that always manage to be stronger than the darkness and troubles. After reading “Boulevard of Light,’ readers got the impression that all of a sudden everything become better and more beautiful: The sky lit up, trouble gave away, a sense of love won out over all suffering.

In his ‘Thoughts About Life,’ Ilija Saula searches for answers about life and its meaning. He tries to understand injustice, he struggles with difficult memories of the war, he reflects about hurt feelings, fears and wounds. He also talks about brave human nature, about childhood memories of dear people and mostly about love. And in everything he does and preaches, belief in the good nature of man and in a magnificent life force is dominant.

Ilija Saula has been living in Philadelphia for years. He came to the United States after thousands of Serbs had been evicted from their homes in Croatia in August 1995. In the long, sad column that was leaving his homeland, Kordun, Ilija Saula met his future wife, Branka. She was his fellow traveler and the most loyal friend during that trip and later. She became his life and professional support and continuous inspiration. As a true guardian of Serbian words in the diaspora, Ilija Saula founded the ‘Literary workshop Kordun’ in Philadelphia, which publishes the work of Serbian first-time writers from the diaspora. As a huge admirer of the work of scientist Nikola Tesla, he was also the one of the founders of the Club ‘Nikola tesla’ and ‘The Tesla Science Foundation’ in Philadelphia. He writes literary reflections, he is guest at literary debates and gatherings in the United States, Canada and Serbia, and friends with many writers and artists. Recognizing his literary talent, the famous poet Vesna Parun long time ago encouraged him, saying: ‘Ilija, you have to talk poetry. You have to say what you see, express your spirit, because your words just slip from your lips. They are ready, you just need to let them go, to pronounce them.’ So he started to write, and today he has six published books.

2. 2. Ilija Saula and Marina Arsenijevic, famous composer and pianist from New York

Ilija Saula and Marina Arsenijevic, famous composer and pianist from New York

Urban Culture Tribe: Congratulations on your new book, ‘Boulevard of light’. How do you feel holding your sixth book, and what are the first reactions from your readers?

Ilija Saula: Thank you. The feeling is the same as if you have five daughters who you love the most in the world and then you get a son. I’m kidding, but I have strong feelings toward this book. For the first time it’s a piece of my reality, the life that I’m living, mostly realistic, but seemingly mysterious, metaphysical. Those are the words that you can hear from me in conversations, thoughts, beliefs, sentences that  can be found in my comments on social media, even verses from some of my songs, expressed through the prism of folk wisdom. Those are the most sincere feelings, my attitude toward life, other people, yourself, nature. … I tried to write a book with those thoughts in mind, and I think that I succeeded in that. The first reactions to the first drafts from my friends in the literary and art circles have persuaded me to make a book out of it. There were some contrary thoughts, which also helped me, because they pointed out the things that were superfluous in the drafts, and if those things had stayed in, they could’ve hurt the literature. Thanks to everyone, especially to those who worked with me to make this project come true. It would’ve been impossible for a single man to build a boulevard of light, a lot of work was put it to make that light shine with its full potential. I feel a special kind of happiness when I see excitement from the first reactions of the readers. They are delighted by the many quotes that provoke their own thoughts on the meaning of life.

Urban Culture Tribe: Your book has a very poetic name. However, the prelude where the protagonist is about to be shot is unexpected. Did you have similar experiences?

Ilija Saula: Every man sometimes has experience to find himself stuck at a dead end and in isolation in contrast to his surroundings. The only weapon he can use in those situations is the art of conversation. That is the only true and effective method. I’ve have never been convicted or prosecuted, but life is comprised of the visible and invisible parts. The need for salvation goes through faith, thinking and good deeds. If I have ever found myself on the opposite side of good, I tried to save myself with healthy thoughts, consciousness and wise conversations. That’s why at the very start of the book I appeal for conversation, because even if we are not good at it, we need to teach ourselves to talk, so that we can help and support each other in the pursuit of our life goals, which make life better and happier.

3. 2. Literary gathering at The Association of Writers of Serbia in Belgrade, Serbia

 Literary gathering at The Association of Writers of Serbia in Belgrade, Serbia

Urban Culture Tribe: Your ‘Boulevard of Light’ has chapters with meaningful names as ‘Peace,’ ‘Wisdom,’ ‘Truth and lie’, ‘Wealth’… How did this interesting book come to life? For whom and how long did you write it?

Ilija Saula: All categories in life that we face come from our consciousness. It’s impossible for a person to find out everything at once, but it’s possible to learn throughout your whole life. I decided to be a pupil for the rest of my life. This book is just part of my homework. I tried to write down everything that I have learned in a period of my life from myself, from the things I believe in, from the people that I live with and from those who wrote their wisdom before me. All my titles are universal terms — some are words that come to me in my thoughts, under some we won’t find the content that the title advertises, maybe just one sentence that comes as a conclusion at the end. The material for this book came from the last five years. They were notes that I made everywhere I could, mostly on social media, where I wrote many statuses about many parts of life, then comments that I happily write, because in that way I clean my mental field and perfect my own thoughts in a better and more simpler way, unconsciously using the knowledge and experiences of my interlocutor to enhance my own. Therefore, life is pushing us, without asking, to learn from others. I dedicated this book to my uncle, who was a special person. He was radiating with kindness and understanding. His life was short and he deserves to be in my thoughts, because he offered me the chance to become someone, while many others had to become someone without that someone. I had the privilege of knowing him. Praise him!

Urban Culture Tribe: Your birthplace, Kordun, takes a huge part of your literary opus. There a wise man lived on nine hills and taught you that happiness needs to be earned. A wolf is your biggest friend there, and grandma Anina is a wise life teacher. Kordun is, on the other hand, a land of harsh reality in which there was war and the action ‘Storm’. What are your memories of Kordun today?

4. 2. Florida - moments of relaxation

Florida – moments of relaxation

Ilija Saula: Kordun is everything to me. My love, my life, my job, my inspiration, my memories, my keepsake. It’s the place where I go to first on my astral journey, and from where I go on or return back to my body. Kordun is an incredible piece of the cosmos for every soul that was born there. Kordun is the hearth that gives warmth to every soul that didn’t learn to fly, to those that wait to return and to live a life worthy of a person. Kordun is the blood cell in our solar system that is indestructible. That land will be proof in the future that there once was a human society that didn’t leave its country even when facing pogrom. Today Kordun has more people under the earth than above it. Everyone who was born in Kordun and had to leave this world too soon, justice for all the killed achievements, loves, jobs and everything that a person can achieve in their life will never be satisfied. Kordun lives in every descendant of it, during the night we mumble with our mouths full with earth and we hear the sounds of harvestmen, reapers, wedding guests, kids, wailing of mothers and sisters, sighs of grandfathers, fathers, sons, all of that builds our thoughts and words, especially for artists who can transfer all of that to paper, canvas, clay, wood, stone and the root of our being. Kordun keeps the memories, it’s up to us to never forget it.

Urban Culture Tribe: You said that childhood spent in Kordun is ‘the only period of your life that is life itself, everything else is a burden and a fight.’ How did you come to such conclusion?

Ilija Saula: In Kordun people don’t think differently. The history of Kordun isn’t only about the last two wars and the time of peace that was in between them. Kordun is a wind that can’t be calmed. Warriors of Hyperborea set the border, which from that point on separated the ages, people, armies, kingdoms, nations and daydreamers who dream about a world without borders, war and migrations, but as soon as they cross they find themselves in a Gallus Mathiae.

5. 2. ILija Saula - radost zbg knjige 'Zena u meni, ja u zeni'

Ilija Saula holding one his his (just published) book ‘The Woman in me and I am in Woman’ 

Urban Culture Tribe: I noticed that you are very inspired when you talk about love, and not only the romantic kind, but also the love toward love, beauty, words, learning, progress, everything that ennobles a person and our lives… Where you always so fond of love and the values of life?

Ilija Saula: I think so. When I look back at everything that I have achieved, how my life went along, and everything I’ve been through, I’m convinced that I wouldn’t be able to do all of it without love. Love drives everything. It’s interesting that the people of Kordun don’t believe that much in love. For us, love is mostly lyrics, and that’s an unknown term, or when you say ‘love,’ people think about the basic means of things. On the other hand, most of my compatriots aren’t aware of their values. Our view on family as the corner stone of our society is sacred, our view towards other people is tolerant, humane and respectful, our view towards the dead is exalted. All of that are the elements of love, but the most important piece is missing, which we can’t accept somehow, and it’s to learn to truly love ourselves, even after everything that Kordun went through during many centuries, that element of love is the hardest part to learn. If they could do that, Kordun would probably not be a part of Croatia. Instead it would be a part of France or some independent community formation in a very important part of Europe.

Urban Culture Tribe: How did your ‘Literary workshop Kordun’ that helps other writers to publish their own books came to life?

Ilija Saula: That happened through a set of circumstances that were associated with my return to writing. Because of the war and the exile to America, I had to pause my literary opus for seventeen years. The moment that I felt that I didn’t lose any credibility among my peers and colleagues I decided that my part in literature had to be something more than just writing. With the help and talks with my colleague Danilo Maric we decided to form a literary workshop that will help young authors edit their first books. So far we made wonderful results, we are noticed, people write about us, and our authors became ‘stars’ because their is no greater success and joy than to publish your first book. We’ve tried many different literary formats, and so far not a single edition failed. With the help of the Pressroom Graficar from Uzice we published more than 20 titles. That kind of publishing work proved to be very effective. It has a humanitarian character, because we don’t make profit, we pay for the press and we give the whole edition of 300 books to the author.

6. 2. . Summer, guitar and apples

Summer, guitar and apples

Urban Culture Tribe: I know that you are very active on Facebook, that you publish poetry and prose and that you constantly talk to people. What are the most frequent questions? What do they like the most in your works?

Ilija Saula: My activity on social media brought me to some incredible people, and that probably wouldn’t have been possible without the internet. Some of them were a revelation for me, and I was a revelation to some of them. I found some works on social media that we were interested in to print. The authors of these works were so excited with our idea that they became our very good friends even to this day. Today, many of them are our active co-workers on mutual projects, finding media that will cover us, offering lectures, proofreading, translations, reviews, thoughts and critiques. We come to contact with affirmed people of our literature that give us support and trust. We build bridges, hold joint promotions, publish our works in popular literature magazines and web portals. All of that wouldn’t be possible without social media, mostly Facebook, and I can’t ignore the forums, which where a great place for that kind of fun and friendship until Facebook became the main part. We became a small planetary art village in which culture, writing and language are the basic principles of life and work, of course besides love.

Urban Culture Tribe: What is your opinion about future of the book?  

Ilija Saula: People talk a lot about the vulnerability of the books. There is a fear that book will disappear due to development of electronic printing books. I think we need to accept every development as if it is good, but the paper book is always there. I don’t think the book will disappear. On the contrary, I think all electronic issues will incline to be put in print in the classic book form. Also, I think there will be moment on the global plan to protect the book as a tool and as intellectual property. For civilization, the book is the most faithful witness, and so I think mankind will repay it with human gestures and protect it from disaster.

Urban Culture Tribe: Do you write any new book?  

7. 2. Ilija Saula and Dusan Bastasic

Friends: Ilija Saula and Dusan Bastasic

Ilija Saula: Right not, I am working on my first novel and the headline so far is ‘Midar’. I was always attracted to magic realism. I feel that my consciousness is colored by that magic light. I seek to enter into the world of magic through thoughts, dreams, spiritual moments of power, and a reailty which cannot be argued because it is always how we see it and experience it. My novel has a lot of these moments and I think that will wake up the ‘third-eye’ in the reader and get the reader over the limits of what they consider possible in the space of their own consciousness, which is quite enough. In addition to writing, we are planing to publish a cycle of Kosovo authors who have not yet been published. We are launching a competition for poetry anthology of displaced poets. Beside all these activities I wish to establish a literature award here in America for our authors. That award would be prestigious and it would be a strong motivation for authors in diaspora to create more works of quality literature.

Urban Culture Tribe: Where your readers can order and buy your books?

Ilija Saula: We don’t distribute books on our own, so readers can find all of them thought direct contact with the writers. The same applies to my books. If I provided distribution for my books I would do the same for other authors that I have published. In Serbia I have one distributing place in Pancevo, and the other one is here in the USA on my home address. So, all orders can be realized through my email:

The cover page of the book “Boulevard of light’ painted by the artist Marija Tanaskovic Papadopoulos.

~ Milica Puric ~ 

Ilija Šaula: Umetnost mudrog razgovora

1. 1. Ilija Saula - jedan od nastupa

Ilija Šaula na jednom od književnih nastupa

Posle pet knjga poezije, Ilija Šaula, pisac, humanista i investitor iz FiIaldefije objavio je nedavno prvu knjigu proze i nazvao je ‘Bulevar svetlosti – promisli o životu’. Ova knjiga je himna optimizmu, svetlosti, dobroti i svim ljudskim vrednostima  koje uvek uspeju da budu jače od mraka i svih nevolja. Posle pročitanog ‘Bulevara svetlosti’ čitalac ima utisak da je sve odjednom postalo bolje i lepše: nebo se razvedrilo, nevolje ustuknule, a ljubav i smisao pobedili sve muke.

U svojim ‘promislima o životu’ Ilija Šaula traga za odgovorima o životu i njegovom smislu. On pokušava da razume nepravdu, bori se sa teškim sećanjima na rat, promišlja o nepravdama, povredjenim osećanjima, strahovima i ranama. On takodje govori o hrabroj čovekovoj prirodi, o detinjstvu, sećanjima na drage ljude, a ponajviše o ljubavi. I u svemu kod njega preovladava vera u dobru prirodu čoveka i veličanstvenu snagu života.

Ilija Šaula već godinama živi u Filadefiji. U prognaničkoj koloni sa svojim sunarodnicima napustio je Kordun 1995. i preko Srbije došao u Filadefiju. Saputnik na tom putu i najverniji prijatelj bila mu je i ostala supruga Branka koja je postala njegova životna i profesionalna podrška i neprekidna inspiracija. Kao pravi čuvar srpske reči u dijaspori, u Filadefiji je osnovao Književnu radionicu Kordun koja objavljuje radove autora kojima je to prva knjiga. Veliki je poštovalac dela Nikole Tesle i u Filadefiji je bio jedan od osnivača kluba ‘Nikola Tesla’ i ‘Tesline naučne fondacije’. Piše književne osvrte, gostuje na književnim tribinama u Americi, Kanadi i Srbiji, druži se sa piscima i umetnicima. Prepoznavši njegov književni talenat, čuvena pesnikinja Vesna Parun svojevremeno ga je ohrabrila rekavši: – Ti, Ilija, moraš da pričaš poeziju, da govoriš ono što vidiš, da ispoljavaš svoj duh, jer tebi reči same idu, one su spremne, samo treba da ih pustiš, da ih izgovoriš….’  Tako je krenuo da piše, a danas ima čak šest objavljenih knjiga.

Branka i Ilija Šaula (1)

Ilija Saula i  supruga Branka – njegov najverniji prijatelj, podrska i inspiracija

Urban Culture Tribe: Najpre čestitke za vašu novu knjigu ‘Bulevar svetlosti’. Kako se osećate kada držite u rukama knjigu i kakve su prve reakcije čitalaca? Da li su iznenadjeni time što ste objavili knjigu proze, a ne poezije kao do sada? 

Ilija Šaula: Hvala na čestitci. Osećaj je kao kad imaš pet devojčica koje voliš najviše na svetu i rodi ti se sin. Šalim se, ali za ovu novu knjigu gajim poseban osećaj. Prvi put je to deo moje stvarnosti, život koji živim, krajnje realističan, a naizgled maglovit, metafizičan. Tu su reči koje se čuju od mene u razgovorima, premišljanjima, ubeđivanjima. Rečenice koje se mogu pronaći u mojim komentarima na društvenim mrežama, pa čak i stihovi nekih mojih pesama, izraženi kroz prizmu narodne mudrosti, poslovičnog govora. Tu su najiskrenija osećanja, odnos prema životu, drugim ljudima, sebi, prirodi. Pokušao sam da sa tim promislima stvorim knjigu i čini mi se da sam u tome uspio. Prvih nekoliko reakcija na rukopis od prijatelja iz literalno-umetničkog okruženja ponukalo me da to bude knjiga. Bilo je i oprečnih mišljenja, koja su mi takođe mnogo značila, jer su ukazivala na ono što je bilo suvišno u rukopisu. Da je to ostalo možda bi uistinu povredilo književnost.  Hvala svima, posebno onima koji su zajedno sa mnom radili na realizaciji ovog projekta. Bilo bi ne moguće da jedan čovek izgradi sam čitav bulevar od svetlosti misli, trebalo je dosta rada da ta svetlost sija punim sjajem. Radost je posebna kad osetim u reakcijama prvih čitaoca uzbuđenje na samom početku. Oduševljavaju se mnogobrojnim citatima koji ih navode uglavnom na smisao života.

Urban Culture Tribe: Vaša knjiga ima veoma poetično ime. Ipak iznenadjuje neočekivani uvod u kome junaka treba da izvedu na streljanje. Jeste li imali slična iskustva? 

Ilija Šaula: Iskustvo svakog čoveka je da se ponekad nađe u bezizlazu i izolaciji u odnosu na okolinu. Jedino oružje za kojim može posegnuti u tom momentu je razgovor. Jedino pravo i najdelotvornije. Nisam nikad bio osuđivan, niti krivično gonjen, ali život se sastoji od vidljivog i nevidljivog dela. Potreba za spasenjem proizilazi kroz veru, razmišljanje i dobra dela. Ako sam se nekad našao na suprotnoj strani od dobra, gledao sam da se spasem zdravim razmišljanjem, svesnošću i mudrim razgovorom. Zbog toga na samom početku knjige apelujem na razgovor, jer i ako mu nismo vični treba da se učimo razgovarati da bi jedni drugima bili nadopuna i pomoć u ostvarenju svih životnih ciljeva, koji život čine boljim i lepšim.

3. 1. Sa Brankicom Damjanović (levo) i Milicom Lilić u Udruženju književnika Srbije u Beogradu

Sa Brankicom Damjanović (levo)  i Milicom Lilić u Udruženju književnika Srbije u Beogradu

Urban Culture Tribe: Poglavljima ste dali imena ‘Mir’, ‘Mudrost’, ‘Istina i laž’, ‘Bogatstvo’… Kako je nastajala ova interesantna knjiga? Koliko dugo i za koga ste je pisali? 

Ilija Šaula: Sve životne kategorije sa kojima se suočavamo  proizlaze iz naše svesnosti.  Nemoguće je da čovek odjednom sve sazna, ali je moguće da čitavog života uči. Opredelio sam se da ostanem đak čitavog života. Ova moja knjiga je samo jedan od mojih domaćih zadataka. Potrudio sam se da zabeležim što sam naučio u jednom periodu života od sebe, od onoga u šta verujem, od onih sa kojima živim i od onih koji su svoje znanje zapisivali pre mene. Svi moji naslovi su univerzalne teme, neki su nastali od rečenice koja mi se javlja kao promisao, ispod nekih možda nećemo naći sadržaj blizak naslovu, možda samo jednu rečenicu koja dolazi kao zaključak na kraju. Materijal za ovu knjigu je nastao u rasponu od poslednjih pet godina. Bile su to zabilješke gde god mi se ukazala prilika da ih ostavim, najviše na društvenim mrežama. gde sam pisao na razne životne teme. Ima i komentara koje rado ostavljam, jer na taj način čistim svoje mentalno polje i dolazim do savršenije misli na bolji i jednostavniji način, nesvesno koristeći znanje i iskustvo sagovornika za unapređenje svog vlastitog. Dakle život nas tera, hteli mi ili ne da od drugih učimo. Knjigu sam posvetio mom stricu koji je bio posebna ličnost, zračio je dobrotom i razumevanjem. Kratko je živeo i zaslužuje da bude u mojim mislima, jer mi je pružio u životu veliku priliku da postanem nešto, dok su mnogi morali da bez tog nekog postanu nešto. Imao sam njegovu privilegiju. Slava mu!

Urban Culture Tribe: Vaš rodni Kordun zauzima ogroman deo vašeg književnog opusa. Na njemu mudraci žive na devet brda i uče vas da se sreća mora zaslužiti. Tamo je vuk vaš najveći prijatelj, a baka Anina mudri životni učitelj. Kordun je, sa druge strane, i zemlja surove stvarnosti u kojoj se dogodio rat i ‘Oluja’. Kakva su danas vaša sećanja na Kordun?

Tesla (1)

Ilija Saula je veliki ljubitelj i postovalac dela Nikole Tesle

Ilija Šaula: Kordun je sve moje. Moja ljubav, moj život, moj posao, moja inspiracija, moja sećanja, moje uspomene. To je mesto na planeti na koje prvo krenem u mom astralnom putovanju, a tek odatle krenem dalje ili se vratim natrag u svoje telo. Kordun je neverovatno parče kosmosa za svaku dušu koja je tamo rođena. Kordun je ognjilo na kojem se greju duše onih koji nisu ni poleteli, koji čekaju da se vrate i odžive život dostojan čoveka. Kordun je crveno krvno zrnce u našem sunčevom sistemu koje je neuništivo. Ta zemlja će u dalekoj budućnosti biti dokaz da je tu živela ljudska zajednica koja i pored najvećih pogroma nije napustala svoju zemlju. Kordun danas ima više stanovnika pod zemljom nego na površini. ZA sve rođene Kordunaše koji su morali prerano napustiti ovaj svet, nikad neće biti zadovoljena pravda za ubijene uspehe, ljubavi, poslove i sve ono što čovek za svog veka može da ostvari. Kordun živi u svakom svom potomku. Noću mi mrmoljamo ustima punim zemlje i čujemo glasove kosača, žeteoca, svadbara, ciku i igru dece, lelek majki i sestara, uzdahe đedova, očeva sinova… Sve to gradi misao i reči u nama, posebno u umetnicima koji umeju da ih izliju na papir, na platno, uklešu u drvo, kamen u koren našeg postanja. Kordun čuva sećanje, a na nama je samo da ga ne zaboravimo.

Urban Culture Tribe: Kažete da je detinjstvo provedeno na Kordunu ‘jedini period života koji je život, sve ostalo je teret i borba’. Kako se rodilo takvo razmišljanje?

Ilija Šaula: Na Kordunu se drugačije ne razmišlja. Istorija Korduna nije samo poslednja dva rata i vreme mira koje je postojalo između ratova.  Kordun je vjetrometina koja se umiriti ne da. Ratnici hiperboreje tu su postavili granicu koja od tad razdvaja doba, narode, vojske, carevine, države i sanjare koji sanjaju svet bez granica, rata i seoba, ali čim se probude nađu se ponovo u tom galimatijasu.

5. 1. Ilija Saula sa knjgom 'Bulevar svetlosti i ostalih pet knjiga

Ilija Saula sa knjgom ‘Bulevar svetlosti i ostalih pet knjiga (photo by Dani Blue)

Urban Culture Tribe: Posebno ste nadahnuti kada govorite o ljubavi i to ne samo romantičnoj, nego i onoj prema životu, lepoti, rečima, svemu onome što oplemenjuje čoveka i naš zivot… Jeste li oduvek bili takav zaljubljenik u ljubav i životne vrednosti?

Ilija Šaula: Čini mi se da jesam. Kad vidim šta sam sve stvorio, kako mi je život tekao i kroz šta sam sve prošao mislim da ništa ne bih mogao bez ljubavi. Ljubav je pokretač svega. Zanimljivo je da Kordunaši ne veruju mnogo u ljubav. Za nas je ljubav najvećim delom lirika, a to je stran pojam. Kad se kaže ljubav odmah se misli na prizemni način shvatanja stvari. A ipak, najveći broj mojih sunarodnika nije svesno svojih vrednosti. Naš pogled na porodicu kao osnovnu ćeliju društva je sveti, naš odnos prema drugom čoveku je tolerantan, human i uvažavajući, odnos prema našim pokojnicima je uzvišen… Sve su to elementi ljubavi, ali izostaje jedan najvažniji koji nikako da prihvatimo: da istinski naučimo voleti sebe. Cak i na uštrb svih stradanja kroz vekove taj elemenat ljubavi se na Kordunu najteže savladava. Kada bi to umeli, Kordun verovatno danas ne bi bio deo Hrvatske, već Francuske ili neka nezavisna društvena tvorevina u vrlo značajnom delu evropskog kontinenta.

Urban Culture Tribe: Kako je nastala vaša ‘Književna radionica Kordun’ koja pomaže drugim piscima da objave svoje knjige?

Ilija Šaula: Književna radionica Kordun, nastala je iz spleta okolnosti koje su se stvorile u periodu mog povratka pisanju, jer sam zbog, rata, izbeglištva i progonstva do Amerike pauzirao 17 godina u svom književnom stvaralaštvu. Čim sam osetio da među savremnicima sa kojima sam delio spisateljsko pero nisam izgubio kredibilitet stvaraoca odlučio sam da moja uloga u književnosti bude malo veca od samog pisanja. U suradnji i razgovorima sa mojim kolegom Danilom Marićem odlučili smo da formiramo književnu radionicu koja će se baviti uređivanjem radova autora koji prvi put objavljuju knjigu. Do sada smo ostvarili divne rezultate, primećeni smo, piše se o nama i naši autori su postali ‘zvezde’ jer nema većeg uspeha i radosti od prve knjige. Oprobali smo se u različitim književnim formama i do sada nijedno izdanje nije bio promašaj. U surdnji sa štaparijom ‘Grafičar’ iz Užica objavili smo vise od 20 naslova. Ta naša uređivačko izdavačka delatnost pokazala se vrlo delotvornom, poprimila je humanitrni karakter, jer mi od tih izdanja ne pravimo profit, platimo štampu i čitavu ediciju od 300 primeraka prepustimo autoru.

6. 1. Umetnost u pesku

Ilijina umetnost u pesku

Urban Culture Tribe: Znam da ste veoma aktivni na Facebooku, da tamo objavljujete svoju poeziju i prozu i stalno razgovarate sa ljudima. Šta vas čitaoci najviše pitaju? Šta im se najviše svidja u vašem pisanju?

Ilija Šaula: Moja aktivnost na društvenim mrežama dovela me do nekih ljudi za koje možda ne bi nikad ni saznao da postoje da nije tog interneta. Kako su neki od njih postali pravo otkrovenje za mene tako sam i ja postao za neke od njih. Društvene mreže su bile mesto gde sam pronašao prve radove za koje je Književna radionica pokazala interes za štampanjem. Autori tih radova toliko su bili oduševljeni našom idejom da se to poznanstvo nije mogul drugačije završiti nego velikim prijateljstvom. Danas, mnogi od nas su aktivni saradnici na zajedničkim projektima, pronalaženju medija koji nas zastupaju, pružanje usluga lekture, korekture, prevoda, pisanja osvrta, mišljenja, recenzija. Dolazimo u kontakt sa afirmisanim imenima naše književnosti dobivamo podršku i poverenje, gradimo mostove, održavamo zajedničke promocije, objavljujemo naše priloge u eminentnim književnim časopisima i web portalima. Eto, svemu tome doprinele su društvene mreže, ponajviše Facebook. Ne smem zanemariti ulogu foruma koji su bili polje za tu vrstu zabave i druženja sve dok Facebook nije preuzeo glavnu ulogu. Postali smo malo planetarno umetničko selo u kojem su, pored ljubavi, kultura, pismo i jezik osnovni postulati življenja i delovanja.

Urban Culture Tribe: Kakva je, prema vašem mišljenju, budućnost knjige?

Ilija Šaula: Danas se mnogo govori o ugroženosti knjige. Postoji strah da će knjiga nestati razvojem elektronskog pisma i štampanja knjiga u tom obliku. Mislim da svaki napredak treba prihvatiti, ako se prikaže dobrim i boljim. Naravno da će biti prihvaćen od širokih masa, ali ako se pokaže nefunkcionalnim, knjiga u štampanom izdanju je uvek tu. Ne mislim da će knjiga nestati. Naprotiv, mislim da će joj se posvetiti posebna pažnja i da će sva elektronska izdanja težiti da budu štampana i u obliku klasične knjige. Smatram da će na globalnom planu doći do momenta zastite knjige, ne samo kao sredstva, već kao intelektualnog vlasništva. Siguran sam da će to biti čak i izglasano na jednom od zasedanja UNICEF-ovih sednica. Ovoj civilizaciji knjiga je najverniji svedok i zato smatram da će joj se čovek odužiti humanim gestom i zaštiti ti je od propasti.

Urban Culture Tribe: Da li pišete neku novu knjigu?  

7. 1. Vidovdanska proslava 200 godina od dolaska prvog Srbina u Ameriku

Vidovdanska proslava 200 godina od dolaska prvog Srbina u Ameriku

Ilija Šaula: Trenutno radim na svom prvom romanu, koji ima radni naslov ‘Midar’. Oduvek me je privlačio magični realizam. Osećam sam da mi je svest obojena tom magičnom svetlošću. Težim da proniknem u svet zaumnog, kroz misli, snove, duhovne momente sile i stvarnost za koju ne treba tvrditi da je uvek takva kakvu je mi vidimo i doživimo. Moj roman obiluje upravo takvim momentima i verujem da će u čitaocu p(r)obuditi treće oko i navesti ga da pogleda preko granice mogućeg i to u prostoru vlastite svesti, što je sasvim dovoljno. Pored pisanja, u izdavačkoj delatnosti planiramo stampanje ciklusa kosovskih autora koji nisu do sada objavljivali. Pokrećemo i konkurs za zbornik poezije raseljenih pesnika. Pored tih aktivnosti želja mi je da se osnuje jedna književna nagrada ovde u Americi za naše autore koja bi bila prestižna i snažan motiv da autori u rasejanju stvore što veći broj kvalitetnih književnih dela.

Urban Culture Tribe: Gde mogu da se kupe i naruče vaše knjige?

Ilija Šaula: Budući da u okviru naše delatnosti nemamo razvijenu distribuciju naše knjige se mogu nabaviti prvenstveno direktnom obraćanju autoru. Tako je i sa mojim knjigama – jer da sam obezbedio distribucijau za moje radove, obezbedio bih i za autore čija sam dela objavio u Književnoj radionici. U Srbiji imam jedno distributivno mesto u Pančevu, a drugo je ovde u Americi na mojoj kućnoj adresi. Sve porudžbine se mogu realizovati preko emaila:

Naslovnu stranu za knjigu ‘Bulevar svetlosti’ naslikala je umetnica Marija Tanaskovic Papadopoulos.

#ilijasaula #art #literature #books #publishing

~ Milica Puric ~ 


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Dear friends,

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Inside of the burnt historic Serbian Orthodox St. Sava church (15 West 25 Street) in the NoMad neighborhood of Manhattan, NYC. The church was constructed in 1850 and was designed by noted architect Richard Upjohn in English gothic revival style.


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And finally quick break after all day walking – Bryant Park located between Fifth and Sixth Avenues and between 40th and 42nd Streets in Midtown Manhattan.

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